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"Nagashi Somen"
Somen Streaming Service

"Nagashi Somen" is a service for streaming somen. The somen is in the HTTPS stream. You can enjoy a stream of somen anywhere using curl command. To access Nagashi Somen stream, see following document.

Use this curl command in Terminal or your favorite terminal app to access Nagashi Somen stream:

Use this curl.exe command in WindowsPowerShell or your favorite terminal app to access Nagashi Somen stream:

Use this curl command in Terminal or your favorite terminal app to access Nagashi Somen stream:

To access the stream from iOS or iPadOS, you need an app that can use shell. Use "iSH Shell" (App Store) or your favorite app/shell environment that can use curl command. Open the app and use this curl command:

If curl is not installed in "iSH Shell", run the following command:

To access the stream from Android, you need an app that can use shell. Use "Termux" (Google Play Store) or your favorite app/shell environment that can use curl command. Open the app and use this curl command:

If curl is not installed in "Termux", run the following command: